Why isn't my bar, banner, or popup campaign showing up?

There are many reasons why your campaign might not be showing up. Below are some of the most common causes. If your campaign is still not visible after addressing these potential issues, please contact our support team for assistance.

Your page is probably cached

Browsers tend to cache pages for faster loading. Therefore, changes to your page don't usually happen instantly, and your browser keeps showing you an older version of your website.

To see a live version of your website, you can clear your browser cache or use a private browser window to visit your website.

Attrac is not enabled on your current theme

To create campaigns on your store using Attrac, you need to enable the Attrac App Embed on your theme. Attrac will notify you if it's not enabled on your theme.

If Attrac is not enabled, click the 'Enable' button to be redirected to your theme's app embed section. For more information on activating the Attrac app embed on your current theme, refer to this article: Activating Attrac on Your Shopify Theme

There may be problems with your HTML

For instance, if you've inadvertently removed the "</head>" or "</body>" tags from your theme, your campaigns might not appear.

Please check your "theme.liquid" file and make sure you have "</head>" and "</body>" tags included.

Bar or banner hidden under header or another element

A possible reason could be that your bar or banner campaign is displaying but is hidden due to overlapping with another element on your page. To verify this, change the campaign's placement.

If the campaign is overlapping with another element on your page, please contact our support team for help.

The countdown for your counter bar or banner campaigns has ended

If the countdown time has completed, Attrac will hide the bar or banner, as it will not display zeros. Therefore, it's essential to verify your countdown timer campaign settings to ensure they are correct.

'Add to Cart' button unrecognized for embedded banner placement

For Attrac to correctly place embedded banners, it needs to identify the 'Add to Cart' button on your page. If your theme is not using the default 'Add to Cart' button behavior, Attrac can't place the banner under or over the 'Add to Cart' button. This issue often arises with custom themes. To resolve this, please reach out to our support team for help.

The signup popup won't show if you've already signed up

If the signup popup is no longer appearing, it's possible that you've already tested it and signed up. After signing up, Attrac stops displaying the popup. To verify this, open the website in a new private browser window.

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