How to manually remove leftover code

After uninstalling Attrac, you may still have leftover code in your theme. This is due to Attrac losing permissions on uninstallation, so it can't modify your theme anymore. Therefore, leftover code would still be there.

Note: Leftover code does not make your bars show on your website after uninstallation, as uninstalling Attrac would remove your bars from our system.

The process of removing leftover code depends on your theme type. Follow the steps explained below that correspond to your theme type to successfully remove leftover code.

Old Themes

In old themes, Attrac is inserting your bars code directly into your "theme.liquid" file. You need to remove leftover code manually from this file by following the steps below:

1. In your store admin dashboard, click   "Online Store"

2. Click the  "Actions" dropdown menu, then select "Edit code"

3. Select your  "theme.liquid"file from the file explorer on the left.

4. Remove any "<script>" tag that has   "" in its "src" attribute as shown below:

5. Click  "Save" to save your changes.

Online Store 2.0 Themes

In new Online Store 2.0 themes, Shopify provided better ways to add the bars to your theme, rather than directly injecting the code into your theme.liquid file. However, when editing your bars, to show changes immediately, Attrac uses a cache file that's created in your Snippets folder. This file can be found under the name "attrac-cache.liquid" in your Snippets folder.

Removing the aforementioned file, would remove all of the leftover code present in your theme.

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